

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Beginning

I have never been very good at keeping a journal, and its not because I don't try. I always start out with good intentions and keep it up for about two weeks, and then my journaling usually falls to pieces. I am hoping that I am much better at "blogging", but this all might be an epic fail.

I have found that our lives are always changing and nothing is ever the same. Two years ago, come the middle of September, Matthew and I started the biggest journey in our lives. We came to Nyack College for Matthew to attend college to become a pastor. We are committed to doing this part of our journey without any loans, and so far God has been providing for us.

Our latest adventure is Matthan. Our three week old son.

I am enjoying my maternity leave, and cry almost every time I think about the fact that in a few short weeks I will be headed back to work and leaving my beautiful son at home. This is something that I literally do not have a choice about, my income pays our bills. Period.

I am learning how to be a mom, and fitting that into the rest of my life. Everything is much more challenging, even just the daily routine. What time I get up in the morning is determined by my young son. From then on, I plan my day around his naps, and right now that is very unpredictable!

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