

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6 weeks

Disclaimer: I am trying very hard not to be one of those moms overly obsessed about their child, but today, I am.

Yesterday Matthan hit the mile marker of turning 6 weeks. How time flies. He has already achieved the major milestones that he is suppose to by this time (like smiling and "talking), in fact he has been talking almost since he was born. He just likes to communicate- a lot. He makes noise while he eats, sleeps, and while he is awake. My mom told me that when he actually starts talking I will need some duck tape. But what else could you expect from a child of Matthew and Tabitha- two of the worlds biggest talkers.

So turning the big 6 weeks means something else too... mom goes back to work in two weeks, and Matthan needs to be ready. So today, after Matthew got home from school I pumped, and Matthew fed Matthan a bottle. Matthan, being the little man that he is, took the bottle no problem. Apparently to him food is food, and a nipple is a nipple. Watching him take the bottle from Matt hit me like a ton of bricks. Feeding Matthan was something that only I could do. Now, anyone could feed him. Deep down inside I cried.

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