

Monday, November 22, 2010

Becoming a Mom

Lately I have been getting asked questions like: "What is it like, being a mom?" "How are you adjusting to becoming a parent?" "Were you ready for all of the responsibility of raising a child?" "Do you find being a parent hard?" I usually answer with something like... "well I have five younger brothers and sisters so there really wasn't any surprises with having my own".... or "it is not always easy", and "we have our moments". And it is not always easy, and we do have our moments. There are many days that the dishes are left undone, the dirty clothing is piled a mile high, the trash is over flowing, and Matthan won't take a nap. Or maybe the clothing is all washed, but it sure isn't put away, and just when you thought you were seeing the light at the end of the long "laundry tunnel" Matthan has a blow out so large that it creates almost an entire load of wash all on its own.  I feel like my apartment is never in the condition that I would like it to be, and I don't think that either one of our vehicles have been cleaned out since Matthan was born. Things like dusting the living room take a back burner and dusting the master bedroom never even makes the list. But over all, if these people could look deep into my heart they would see that I absolutely love being a mom,  and though it is hard, and things don't always go as planned, there is nothing more rewarding to me then taking care of my son. Responsibility? Yes, but a blessing a privilege.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday afternoon and evening Dad and I were all alone, and I decided that not having children will take just as much adjusting, if not more, than having children.
