I am thankful for every minute of life that God has given to me. We are not guaranteed anything. I am thankful for Jesus dying on the cross- for me, for the world. For grace, and for mercy- God knows what a mess I am. For hope, a future, eternal life. For forgiveness ( I am forever messing up). For unending love, peace, quiet, for joy, song, and celebrations. Thank you Lord for giving me everything that I have- my husband, my son, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. For friends- near and far. For our "PA Church" and our "NY Church". For the country, and for the city. For the seasons. For change. For consistency. For creation. For a job, and money to pay our bills. For our home, and our "stuff". For blankets on our bed, and food in our fridge. For our car and jeep. For technology.
I am thankful for my husband. He gives meaning to my life, laughter in my soul, love in my heart, and adventure. Most importantly, I am thankful that he is following God's calling. He puts up with my emotions, my tears, my break downs, my anger, my resentment, and every other imperfection that I have (which are numerous). He has promised me till "death do us part". He gently encourages me in my faith, supports my dreams and aspirations, and inspires me.
I am thankful for my son. What a wonderful gift from God. A miracle of new life. He brings me love, and laughter. He brings challenges, and requires selflessness. I am in love with his smiles, his tiny fingers and toes. His cries break my heart, and his hugs and "snuggles and cuddles" melt my heart .
I am thankful for my family. Mom and dad, for raising me, for their sacrifice of time, money, and self. For their encouragement. For love and laughter in our home. For discipline. For blessing me with siblings, for excepting my husband. For my brothers and sisters, for they are my friends, and my inspiration.
For my friends- they offer me so much! Love, support, fellowship, gifts, laughter, haircuts, joy, comfort, help,and encouragement. They pull you up when you are down. They laugh when you laugh, and cry when you cry. They become family, when family can't be close.
This only a teeny tiny bit of what I have to be thankful for. From the smallest detail to the biggest gift! I encourage you ... think about all that you have to be thankful for. It kind of puts things into perspective.
ps.I wanted to have this blog posted on Thanksgiving... but obviously we do not always get what we want!